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Pregnant Woman

ERT for Birth

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Worried about birth? You are not alone.

Many of my clients have been in the same place that you are right now. With worries, fears, anxieties about birthing or bring home baby. Emotion Release Technique or ERT is used to help identify and process emotional blocks and stress patterns that contribute to disharmony in the body. 

ERT uses a combination of muscle testing, Chinese medicine meridian points to identify and clear the underlying emotion/stress, and Emotional Freedom Technique. This technique was originally based on NET or Neuro Emotional Technique. It assesses the Subconscious and Autonomic Nervous System. 

Emotion Release Technique combines touch, muscle response and subconscious memory recall to help clients of all ages tap into and release these emotions 


What happens if there is fear or
stored emotion in labor?

If the body scenes fear in childbirth, our Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) kicks in to help protect mom and baby from danger. The problem is, this fear can be either conscious or subconscious. So even if you are over the moon excited to meet baby on their birthday, your body might be responding to a fear or stored emotion.

When the ANS kicks in it triggers the Fight, Flight, or Freeze response and sends your blood and oxygen to the defense muscles of the body, think any part of your body that can help protect you from danger. Guess what organ is NOT a part of that? You got it, your birthing muscles. 

This causes the uterus to become oxygen deprived, uterine muscles constrict, oxygen to baby is then limited causing fetal heart rate to decline, cervix tightens causing pain and prolonging labor. 

Now, what if we remove those fears? Then, you stay in a parasympathetic state and your ANS has no reason to kick in. This allows endorphins to run high, hormones to release appropriately in labor. Baby is comfortable, mother is comfortable and birth is allowed to unfold beautify.

What fears about birth you you like to release? 


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